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Friday, January 16, 2015

Hungry For Speech!

Hungry for Speech Therapy
Need a fun game to play in therapy?  Try Hungry Hungry Hippos or a cheaper version of this game. I bought Feeding Frenzy from 5 Below which is a dollar store by me.  So, how do I incorporate speech and language into this game?  First, I just play a round of the game which usually only takes a minute or two.  Once all of the balls are 'eaten', I have the kids start their work.

Hungry for Speech Therapy

Articulation - If my students are working on articulation, they have to say their sounds a certain amount of time depending on the colors of the balls in their trays.
Red Ball = Say sound in syllables 5X per red ball
Green Ball = Say sound in words 4X per green ball
Blue Ball = Say sound in phrases 3X per blue ball
Yellow Ball = Say sound in sentences 2X per yellow ball

Language - If my students are working on language, they have to say answer a question, name a category, etc. for each different color ball.
Red Ball = Answer 2 'wh' questions
Blue Ball = Name 2 items in a category
Green Ball = Answer a question using a complete sentence
Yellow Ball = Follow 2 different 1-2 step directions
You can address any goals you want!  It's a fun way to interact with your students and keep them excited to learn.

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