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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Speech Therapy Back To School Organization

I started school last week (so not ready) and this year I have a goal of staying organized.  That is usually my goal in the beginning of each year, but I swear this time I mean it! I came up with a few ideas that I think will keep me organized and I hope they will help you too.
1) Laminate Your To Do Lists
 I go through so many to do lists throughout the year.  This year, I decided to laminate mine and simply wipe off all of my completed tasks.  Why didn't I think of this before?
Speech Therapy Back To School OrganizationSpeech Therapy Back To School Organization
 1) Laminate your To Do List   2) Use a dry erase marker to write your notes  3) Wipe off your completed tasks    *To Do List shown is part of my SLP Planner, Files & More
2) Separate Your Files
Files usually have so many random papers in them that make finding anything almost impossible.  Organize your files with strips of paper labeled with years, categories, etc.  This makes finding paperwork simple and quick!
Speech Therapy Back To School Organization
Speech Therapy Back To School Organization
3) Use Manila Envelopes
All of my upcoming IEP files are placed into a large manila envelope labeled 'Upcoming IEPs'.  This makes them so easy to grab when I am working on paperwork.  It also reminds me of what I have to do!
Here's to keeping organized this year!

Friday, August 7, 2015

Life Size Board Games

Friday Fun: Life Size Board Game

It's Friday Fun Day* which means it's time to post about a fun activity to use during speech therapy!  Today's activity topic is life size board games...doesn't that sound like fun? 
 - Paper plates (round, square, small, big, anything will work)
 - Picture cards or question list - Picture cards can be anything from articulation cards to pronoun cards.  You can also have a question list or some type of other prompting item if you prefer.
 - Quarter or other coin

Set Up Before Therapy:
1) If you have picture cards, tape them onto the bottom the plates facing upwards. 
2) Then, place the plates in some type of game board formation around the playground, room or other area.

How To Play:
1) The first player tosses a coin.  See what the coin lands on and have the student move that amount of spaces. (Heads = 2 Tails =1)
2) When the student gets to his/her spot, he/she must perform a task in order to stay there.  For example, if there are articulation sound cards on the plates, then the student needs to say the corresponding word 5-10X.  If you are working on WH questions, then the student must answer a question before moving on...etc. 
3) If the student cannot perform the task, he or she must move back to their original spot and it's the next person's turn. 
4) Students take turns flipping the coin and moving to spaces on the game board.  
5) Whoever gets to the end first, WINS!
My students love this interactive game and forget that they are actually working and learning!  I hope your students will enjoy this too. 
*If you don't know what Friday Fun Day is, please read about it and other daily themes by clicking here. 
 If you are participating in the Scavenger Hunt, here is my secret word: Blogging

If you would like to participate in the scavenger hunt, please Click Here to get all of the information!

Thank you Kristin Immicke from Beautiful Speech for hosting!