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Wednesday, December 31, 2014


I hope everyone has a great and safe New Year's Eve! I am looking forward to 2015 and sharing more ideas and materials with everyone.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

First Day Back Activity

Speech Therapy Post Break Activity
Sorry, this freebie is no longer available

Need a fun activity to do the first week back to school? Try out this activity and work on multiple goals with all of your students! Ask 'wh' questions, work on articulation, have conversations, work on similarities and differences, have students name colors and more!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

What Do You Want For Christmas?

Speech Therapy Christmas Freebie
Sorry, this freebie is no longer available.
This FREE activity is a fun way to work on 'wh' questions, conversation skills, problem solving and descriptions.  Have one student ask another student questions about what he/she wants for Christmas.  For example, 'What color is it?" The student answering the questions should describe the item he/she wants.  The lines on the stocking are for 'taking notes'.  After enough questions have been asked, have the student draw his/her guess at the bottom of the stocking.  It's fun to see if the kids can guess right!

There are 3 pages in this file each for different levels.  One has blank lines for kids who can write and are higher level.  One has lines with 3 clues on what questions to ask.  One is blank for the little kids who can't write yet.  Have them draw the clues instead!

Sunday, December 14, 2014


Speech Therapy Fun Blog

Welcome to my site! I am so excited to start this blog and hopefully share great ideas, articles and websites with you. Make sure to check out my 'Start Here' and 'About Me' pages!  I can't wait to get started!